Cantonese Listening Practice for Beginners | Shopping Mall Dialogue with Subtitles, Flashcards & Romanization – JP & YP

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我去咗買嘢I went shoppingngo5 heoi3 zo2 maai5 je5
我想買呢個I want to buy thisngo5 soeng2 maai5 ni1 go3
我想買呢個俾我隻狗I want to buy this for my dogngo5 soeng2 maai5 ni1 go3 bei2 ngo5 zek3 gau2
我又要買嘢喇I have to buy something againngo5 jau6 jiu3 maai5 je5 laa3
因為我有五十蚊couponBecause I have a fifty dollar couponjan1 wai6 ngo5 jau5 ng5 sap6 man1 coupon
我要買呢個I need to buy thisngo5 jiu3 maai5 ni1 go3
一百零九蚊呢個One hundred and nine dollars for thisjat1 baak3 ling4 gau2 man1 ni1 go3
我而家去俾錢啦I’m going to pay for it nowngo5 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 bei2 cin2 laa3
I don’t havemou5
我有couponI have couponngo5 jau5 coupon
好喇我返到屋企喇Okay I’m homehou2 laa3 ngo5 faan1 dou3 uk1 kei2 laa3
我頭先買咗三樣嘢I just bought three thingsngo5 tau4 sin1 maai5 zo2 saam1 joeng6 je5
呢個係第一樣This is the first thingni1 go3 hai6 dai6 jat1 joeng6
第二樣嘢Second thingdai6 ji6 joeng6 je5
第三樣嘢Third thingdai6 saam1 joeng6 je5


我去咗買嘢I went shoppingngo5 heui3 jo2 maai5 ye5
我想買呢個I want to buy thisngo5 seung2 maai5 ni1 go3
我想買呢個俾我隻狗I want to buy this for my dogngo5 seung2 maai5 ni1 go3 bei2 ngo5 jek3 gau2
我又要買嘢喇I have to buy something againngo5 yau6 yiu3 maai5 ye5 la3
因為我有五十蚊couponBecause I have a fifty dollar couponyan1 wai6 ngo5 yau5 ng5 sap6 man1 coupon
我要買呢個I need to buy thisngo5 yiu3 maai5 ni1 go3
一百零九蚊呢個One hundred and nine dollars for thisyat1 baak3 ling4 gau2 man1 ni1 go3
我而家去俾錢啦I’m going to pay for it nowngo5 yi4 ga1 heui3 bei2 chin2 la3
I don’t havemou5
我有couponI have couponngo5 yau5 coupon
好喇我返到屋企喇Okay I’m homehou2 la3 ngo5 faan1 dou3 uk1 kei2 la3
我頭先買咗三樣嘢I just bought three thingsngo5 tau4 sin1 maai5 jo2 saam1 yeung6 ye5
呢個係第一樣This is the first thingni1 go3 hai6 dai6 yat1 yeung6
第二樣嘢Second thingdai6 yi6 yeung6 ye5
第三樣嘢Third thingdai6 saam1 yeung6 ye5