1 min read 0

Intensive listening to some sentences from the Basic Cantonese grammar (for intermediate learners)

大家好,希望在這裡,你們可以找到一些學習廣東話的資料。這個語音資料是我為學生準備的,適合所有學生,包括說華語的學生。它的目的是幫助他們熟悉句子結構並提高聽力水平。製作時間雖然很短,最初並沒有打算公開發布。如果你覺得這對你有用並喜歡的話,你可以保存這個播放列表。如果你是這個製作的作者,並希望將它下架,請與我聯絡,謝謝。 Enhance your Cantonese Listening Skills with this audio data (at a slower pace): Suggestion: […]

2 min read 0

List of Listening

Hi all, listen more, the more you understand the language!!
I update this playlist from time to time. Keep listening, you will eventually be able to interact with native Cantonese speakers. Take you time and I wish you all the best in learning Cantonese. Stay tuned for more videos.
All these Cantonese listening practices are related to our daily life, “Daily Cantonese”, a very natural, simple and direct speech from a native speaker. Learn Cantonese through having some fun and easy Cantonese listening practices would improve your confidence in the language.