Welcome to Cantonesehome project. Add oil on your cantonese journey! This is part of the story, we are writing and will continue to write, there will be an educational e-book for purchase soon. Thank you for your support by giving us some feedbacks.

報館 | bou3 gun2 | newspaper office |
編輯 | pin1 cap1 | Editor |
妻子 | cai1 zi2 | wife |
搬入 | bun1 jap6 | Move in |
一棟 | jat1 dung6 | Measure word for a building |
上海人 | soeng6 hoi2 jan4 | Shanghai people |
聚居 | zeoi6 geoi1 | to inhabit a region (esp. ethnic group), to congregate |
大廈 | daai6 haa6 | Building |
喺1962年既香港,[報館] [編輯] [Tony Leung] 同 [妻子] [搬入] [一棟] [上海人] [聚居]既 [大廈]。
hai2 1962 nin4 gei3 hoeng1 gong2,[ bou3 gun2] [ pin1 cap1] [zau1 mou6 wan4] tung4 [ cai1 zi2] [ bun1 jap6] [ jat1 dung6] [ soeng6 hoi2 jan4] [ zeoi6 geoi1] gei3 [ daai6 haa6].
In 1962 Hong Kong, newspaper editor Tony Leung and his wife moved into a building populated by Shanghainese,

差不多 | caa1 m4 do1 | almost |
時間 | si4 gaan3 | time |
搬入黎 | bun1 jap6 lai4 | Move into |
年輕 | nin4 hing1 | Young |
美麗 | mei5 lai6 | beautiful |
日資 | jat6 zi1 | Japanese funded |
公司 | gung1 si1 | company |
丈夫 | zoeng6 fu1 | husband |
[差唔多] [時間] [搬入黎] 既仲有 [年輕] [美麗] 既陳太太Maggie Cheung同佢既喺 [日資] [公司] 返工既 [丈夫]。
[ caa1 m4 do1] [ si4 gaan3] [ bun1 jap6 lai4] gei3 zung6 jau5 [ nin4 hing1] [ mei5 lai6] gei3 can4 taai3 taai2Maggie Cheung tung4 keoi5 gei3 hai2 [ jat6 zi1] [ gung1 si1] faan1 gung1 gei3 [ zoeng6 fu1].
around the same time as the young and beautiful Chen’s wife, Maggie Cheung, and her husband, who worked for a Japanese company.

發現 | faat3 jin6 | Discover |
配偶 | pui3 ngau5 | spouse |
婚外情 | fan1 ngoi6 cing4 | extramarital affair |
佢地同時[發現] 自己既 [配偶] 同對方既 [配偶] 有 [婚外情],
keoi5 dei6 tung4 si4[ faat3 jin6] zi6 gei2 gei3 [ pui3 ngau5] tung4 deoi3 fong1 gei3 [ pui3 ngau5] jau5 [fan1 ngoi6 cing4]
They discovered at the same time that their spouses were having an extramarital affair with the other spouse.