Learn from the Movie Plot – 2004 HK film – 2046 – S – 48 vocabs

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導演dou6 jin2direct v. / director n.
電影din6 jing2Movie
認為jing6 wai4 take for, regard as, consider to be.
花樣年華faa1 joeng6 nin4 waa4In the mood for love
續集zuk6 zaap6sequel

《2046》係王家衛 [導演] 既一部 [電影],被 [認為] 係佢 [電影]《花樣年華》既 [續集]。

2046》hai6 wong4 gaa1 wai6 [ dou6 jin2]  dik1 jat1 bou6 [ din6 jing2], bei6 [ jing6 wai4]  hai6 keoi5 [ din6 jing2]《 faa1 joeng6 nin4 waa4》 gei3 [ zuk6 zaap6].

“2046” is a [movie] directed by Wong Kar-wai and is [considered] a [sequel] to Qu’s previous [movie] “In the Mood for Love”.

故事gu3 si6story
發生faat3 sang1 v.i. & t., arise, cause to happen
返到faan1 dou3return to
重新cung4 san1adv., again, anew.
面對min6 deoi3v. face
過去gwo3 heoi3past n.

[故事][發生]喺1966年。嗰年,周慕雲 [返到] 香港,[重新] [面對] 佢既過去。

[ gu3 si6][ faat3 sang1] hai21966 nin4. go2 nin4, zau1 mou6 wan4 [ faan1 dou3]  hoeng1 gong2,[ cung4 san1] [ min6 deoi3]  keoi5 gei3 gwo3 heoi3.

[Story] [took place] in 1966. That year, Chow Mo-wan [returned] to Hong Kong and [faced] his past again.

遇上jyu6 soeng5meet
女人neoi5 jan2woman
經歷ging1 lik6experience v.
感情gam2 cing4passion, emotion n.
創傷cong3 soeng1trauma
變得bin3 dak1become
麻木maa4 muk6benumbed adj

佢[遇上]唔同既[女人],但[經歷]過[感情] [創傷] 令佢既心 [變得] [麻木]。

keoi5[ jyu6 soeng5] m4 tung4 gei3[ neoi5 jan2], daan6[ ging1 lik6] gwo3[ gam2 cing4] [ cong3 soeng1]  ling6 keoi5 gei3 sam1 [ bin3 dak1] [ maa4 muk6].

He [met] different [women], but [experienced] [emotional] [trauma] that made his heart [become] [numb].

封鎖fung1 so2n. & v.t., (mil.) blockade; seal up (treasure, etc.):
內心noi6 sam1n. & adv., at heart.
無數mou4 sou3countless
記憶gei3 jik1memory
任何人jam6 ho4 jan4anyone
接近zip3 gan6v.t., (1) approximate, approach; (2) on intimate terms with.

佢[封鎖]咗[內心] [無數]既 [記憶],唔畀[任何人] [接近]。

keoi5[ fung1 so2] zo2[ noi6 sam1] [ mou4 sou3] gei3 [ gei3 jik1], m4 bei2[ jam6 ho4 jan4] [ zip3 gan6].

He has [blocked] [countless] [memories] in his [heart] and will not let [anyone] [get close] to him.